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Fuze Phone Integration

Fuze is a telephone system provider. If you are using Fuze for your telephony then it is possible to get the Influence Professional database to integrate with the phone system and allow dialing directly from within the database.

There is some initial setup (parameters) which need to be set in order to do this, and you will need to speak to Influence in order
to purchase the integration and get the initial setup done. However once the system is configured, it is very easy for users to setup the system to allow themselves to dial.


1) Login to the database as you normally would using your Login/Password

2) Once logged-in select the [HOME] page at the left of the system, then click the [Connect] button at the bottom left.

3) Enter your FUZE login (normally your email) and your password (allocated to you by FUZE).

Click the [Connect] button.

This will store your credentials against your UserID in Influence, and means that on subsequent logins to the database the system will default to the relevant Login/Password for the FUZE telephony system.





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  1. Glenn Eve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
