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Add a Candidate from LinkedIn (using the capture tool)

It is possible to create new candidates in the Influence database by taking information from LinkedIn and using this as the basis for the candidate record.

  1. Open LinkedIn find the candidate and highlight all their information then choose COPY (Ctrl-C)
  2. In Influence Professional select the [Candidates] button at the left of the Workbench, then click [New] at the bottom left.
  3. When the new candidate record opens, click the [Capture] button at the bottom left of the candidate screen. This will then take all the copied information from LinkedIn and use this to create a new candidate record. Click [OK]
  4. Once the candidate record has been created, correct any missing information such as Address, Telephone number, current role, etc that may have been missed during the capture phase, then click [Apply] or [OK] to save the candidate record.

Tip: You may want to add the candidate with a status such as "LINK" to indicate that you only have LinkedIn details, and not a full CV. If you do not have a suitable candidate status code available you can add one to the dropdown list. See here.

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Martin Parkinson

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
