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IQ Report - Vacancy Response Time

This report will list details of any current LIVE vacancies and show the number of days before a CV was sent. The report assumes that CVs are sent using the MATCH record, and correctly recorded in the database. This report uses the Journal Status Change file, and will only work in newer systems or those using Journaling v2.

 If your system is using Journaling v1, it is possible to upgrade/convert to v2 - just call and speak to our support team.

Example - (Screenshot)

Notes/Special Features

This report looks at the Journal Status Change file for any CVS status change records.
The report only considers vacancies which are currently at a LIVE status.
The report can only be run on systems using Journaling v2.


The report can be installed on Influence Professional systems from version or later by downloading the report attached to this article, then Dragging/dropping the report onto the [I Query] workbench within the [Admin] section of the system. For more information about installing IQ Reports, please Click Here

On newer systems, you can load the *.Zip version of the report.


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  1. Graeme Orchard

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