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Compliance Workbench

The Compliance workbench is a part of the system which allows users to check/find candidates based upon their compliance items. Once a list of candidates has been found it is possible to pass all these names into the macro manager and email the candidates to let them know that they need to send or obtain updated compliance items.

For more information about setting up compliance items, click here.
In newer systems (after v1.00.15.260) it is possible to setup compliance dependancies. For more information click HERE.

It is also possible to search from compliance items directly from the [Candidates] workbench. This feature became available after version and details can be found HERE.


How to use the Compliance workbench.

At the left of your system find the [Compliance] workbench. (On older systems it will be in the 'Admin' section at the bottom left, on newer systems running the 'Temp Centre' it will be in the 'Temp' section)

Having selected the workbench, you can use the filters at the top of the screen to generate a list of candidates. Common filters are listed below

This allows you to select the individual compliance item you wish to check
Expiry Check
The expiry date for the item you are checking - items expiring before this date will be listed*
Yes/No will choose items which are/are not compliant.
Allows users to filter only on candidates who are Working between the specified dates.
Working Range
Can be used as an alternative to the dates above, e.g. "This Week" "This Month", etc.
Use this to filter based upon candidate status, e.g. only LIVE temps.
Used to control the way results are displayed in the gird, summary or "Detailed"

* Note: With regard to the expiry date, the system will take account of the 'reporting days' specified on the chosen compliance item. 
e.g. If the compliance item "DBS" was setup with Reporting Days=10, then looking for items which have expired on 15/4/2016 will actually return items which have expired on or before 25/4/16 
(i.e. Taking into account the 10 reporting days). 
 If reporting days is set to Zero (0) on the compliance item, then it will "look ahead" by the number of days specified 
in system parameter Rec_C, Integer(1) - typically this is set to '30'.



[Keywords Compliance, compliance workbench, workbench for compliance items, compliance items using workbench]






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