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Searching - Overview

Searching - System Overview.

The attached document gives details of the search system within your Influence Professional database.
It explains how you can use the search system to find candidate record using Attribute codes, CV text or a combination of both.



1.     Candidate Searching. 3

1. Creating a new (ad hoc) search

2. Explanation of the Normal (Basic) Tab

3. Explanation of the Enhanced Tab

4. Explanation of the CV Text Search Tab

5. Search Tips

6. Searching for Candidates from a within a Vacancy

7. Using a Contact search as a ‘call-back’ list

8. Searching, marking & BCC lists

9. Using the Macro manager (Mailshots)

10. Sending a Personalised message using the macro manager

11. Sending the mail shot

12. Mail Shot Tips

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  1. Graeme Orchard

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