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Matches & Interviews

  • Multiline Contract Invoicing

    Newer versions of Influence professional (Ver or later) allow the creation of Contract Invoices.  This means that once Timesheets have been entered against a contract placement, then users...

  • Compliance - Placement Questions

    From version (or later) it is now possible to setup Placement Questions When you try to book the candidate into a TEMP booking the system will pop-up these additional questions prior to re...

  • Vacancy Status updating Match Status

    It is possible to configure your system in such a way that updating the status of a Vacancy can automatically update the status of other matches on the vacancy. This is often useful for example when a...

  • Explanation of Match dates

    Explanation of “Dates” selection on [Matches] Workbench When looking at a MATCH record using the [Matches] workbench there are various dates which a user might wish to filter by – hence why there is a...

  • How to Create new Workflow Template

    Influence can hold template documents specifically for each type of record in the system (Candidates, Clients, Contacts, Vacancies and Placements). Simply clicking on the Template icon from the [Docs]...

  • How do I – Confirm Multiple Interviews in a single email

    It is possible to confirm multiple interviews in a single email from within the vacancy matches page. This facility only exists in Influence Professional versions later than   Contents (Cl...

  • Create an OnSpec Match for a Candidate

    Matches are used to link candidates to vacancies or contacts and then track the progress made. An OnSpec match is the type of match that links a candidate to a Contact and then allows you to send a CV...