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Compliance - Placement Questions

From version (or later) it is now possible to setup "Placement Questions"

When you try to book the candidate into a TEMP booking the system will pop-up these additional questions prior to recording the booking.

It is possible to define up to 20 questions which will be asked.


Setting up the Questions

Login to influence as a suitably privileged user (such as 'ADM')
Choose Maintenance > Setup > Parameters, then select File > Open
Select the parameter set called ASKPLACE

You may then define up to 20 questions


Using the Placement Questions

When you make a TEMP Booking, the system will prompt you with the questions you have setup.
These items need to be ticked before the booking will be completed. (See below)



Once the questions have been ticked, press [OK] to proceed with the booking.






Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Graeme Orchard

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
