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System Configuration Guide

System Configuration Guide

This article is designed for Influence staff only and is an internal memo detailing where to find the configuration
documents used for setting up a new system.

This article explains where to find the system configuration guide.

When configuring a new Influence Professional database there is a configuration document you can use
to help ensure that the relevant steps are followed.

The configuration document can be found in the Customer_Database under the "Toolbar Word Icon" of a client
Click the icon and then choose either

- CONFIG Guide (General)  And/or
- Config Guide (Temp Systems)


These documents will help with the various parameter setting that may be needed to tailor the system to each individual agency.

System config, config, configuration, configuration of a system, configuring a system, temp system config, system config, configuration guide, guide to configuration.


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  1. Graeme Orchard

  2. Posted
  3. Updated


  1. Desmond Jones

    Staff –

    Very well done!!!