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Task & Diary Management - Overview

Attached to this article is a document explaining the use of the Influence Professional diary system and the creation and management of TASKS within the Influence Professional database.

Custom Subject Templates for TASKS

When creating a new TASK for object (Candidate, Vacancy, Client, etc) is it possible to define the format of the Subject

Formats for Task subjects can be defined in Code Table Diary Task Text [448] using the syntax below, where XXXX is the relevant TASK type (CONT, CAND, VAC, etc.)
Your format here, including any merge fields 

To set the format

- Go to Maintenance > Setup > Code Tables

- Select system area C - contact Management,  the choose Diary Task Text [448]
- Click the 'Text' icon at the right had side.

- Within the Text page, add a new #SUBJECT_XXXX section, and then the format you want for the subject, e.g.

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  1. Graeme Orchard

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