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Default Temp Booking Notes

After release version it is possible to setup Booking notes that will appear when a TEMP booking is being made. If the notes have not been completed the system can warn that the user needs to add additional information before being allowed to complete the booking process.

Creating the Template (Notes)

The templates can be created in the normal way via Maintenance > Tools > Templates Maintenance. Select to create a JOURNAL template and choose the Where as BKN (Booking notes)

See below.

Controlling completion of the Notes

It is possible to set a parameter in the system to determine how many characters must be present in the Booking Notes panel when making a booking. This can be used to ensure that users complete Something before being allowed to finish the booking.

Parameter PayrollB, Integer(5)   controls the number of characters required.

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  1. Graeme Orchard

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
