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User Access Control

From Version or later, a new User Access Control feature has been added.
This controls access to certain features or facilities within the database.

User Access Control (UAC) can be used to control the following features.

Access to Tabs within records.
e.g. You could restrict access to the 'Rates' tab of a client to a certain list of users.
Access to any on-screen fields.
e.g. You could restrict access to the 'Age' field of  candidate record to a specific list of users
Access to any features currently controlled with a Password.
e.g. Currently the ability to "Print" a grid is controlled by a password. UAC allows you to use a specified list of users instead of a blanket password.
Access to Specific Features or Abilities
For items which are not covered by any of the above, there certain 'Bespoke' controls which have been programmed into the system. These specific codes give access to a particular feature. Examples include Edit Other Peoples' Bookings or Access to Cut and Paste on the Planner.

From Version or later, it is possible to control Mandatory Fields on a database-by-database basis.

Database 0001 - Industrial
Mobile No.
Not Mandatory
Database 0002
Mobile No.

Contents (Click an Item to Jump to that section)

- Setup

- Restricting User Access

- Specific UAC Features

- Edit Other peoples Bookings

- Macro Manager

- Planner Cut/Paste

- Rate time Definitions

- Booking Summary Field Control

 Open Candidate on [Compliance] tab (by default)

 Open Client on [Compliance] tab (by default)


Within Maintenance > Setup > there are two new options.

Maintenance > Setup > User Access Control
Maintenance > Setup > UAC Definitions

NOTE: UAC Definitions is for Influence use ONLY - please do not use this option. It relates to the actual system areas which can be restricted and is not designed for general use and should be used by Influence staff to configure the options you will need.

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Restricting User Access (UAC)

Within the User Access Control option, you can select which feature/facility you wish to restrict.

Use the drop-down to select the system area, then setup the relevant user (or Office) and indicate if they have Full Access, Read Only, or No Access to the feature.

An example screenshot showing the sort of things that can be restricted is shown below:

i) Items such as Candidate Work Phone Field Access link to a field within the database and will use the list to control access to that field.

ii) Items such as Client journals Tab link to a parameter and are used to control access to that tab within a record in preference the the parameter they replace.

iii) Finally, some items such as Planner Cut/Paste are specific to UAC. These items have been specifically programmed and are the only way to provide restricted access to these features.

In the case of (i) and (ii) it is possible to easily add more of these items by simply creating a new definition (provided the field exists or the access to the Tab is already controlled with a parameter).

If a feature is not a Field or an item such as a Tab, access to which is already controlled with a parameter, then it would require a new item like (iii) and this requires programming and development and cannot be simply added by users.

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Specific UAC Features

i.e. those which have been hard-coded and cannot be achieved in other ways.

Edit Other Peoples' Bookings:

No Access - the user will not be able to open any bookings that they did not create.
Full Access - the user can open/edit any bookings.
Read Only - the user can open other peoples' bookings, but is not able to save any changes.

Export to Excel from Grids

Used to control whether user can export to Excel From Grids (or not).

Director Financials

- currently not implemented - for future development

Manager Financials

- currently not implemented - for future development

Macro Manager

No Access - the user will not be able to open the macro manager to send bulk emails.
Full Access - the user can open and use the macro manager.

Planner Cut/Paste

No Access - the user will not see the [Select] [Copy] or [Paste] options below the planner.
Full Access - the user has access to [Select], [Copy] and [Paste] on the planner.
(See below)

Rate Time Definitions  (applicable after v1.00.19.007)

Allows users into the [Rate Times] feature from the [Rates] tab of a client record. From here they will be able to setup specific times that certain rates will apply for that client, e.g.
BASIC:  09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri)
O/Time: 18:00-09:00 (Mon-Fri)
W/End : 06:00-20:00 (Sat+Sun)
W/End OTime: 20:00-06:00 (Sat+Sun)

Booking Summary Field Control  (applicable after v1.00.20.020)

Adding a control called BOOKSUM will allow the control over which users can see certain margin & financial fields at the bottom of the [Summary] view of bookings.

Parameter set BOOKSUM, Flags(1-13) and Text(1) are also related.

Example above shows a restricted set of fields below the Summary view.

Open Candidate Record on [Compliance] tab by default  (Applicable after v1.00.22.295)

Adding a control called CANDCMPLTAB will allow the control over which users open the candidaste record directly on the [Compliance] tab.

IMPORTANT:  As at v1.00.22.295 - if you are using COGNITO Forms to upload Candidate or Availability you cannot activate this feature.
The feature is incompatible with Cognito Forms   (May be fixed in a future release)

Open Company Record on [Compliance] tab by default  (Applicable after v1.00.22.295)

Adding a control called CLICMPLTAB will allow the control over which users open the candidaste record directly on the [Compliance] tab.

Other facilities may be added to User Access Control in the future.

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  1. Graeme Orchard

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
