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Margin Report

A new Margin Report has been added to the software and will be available after version From Version1.00.20.099 (or later) the report is accessible from the [ADMIN] tab to make it more easily accessible.

The report will allow users to generate a report showing the TOTAL Margin between two dates, split between different TEAMS. It is possible to drill-down into the displayed information to get further breakdown about specific individuals or sites.

There are several tabs of information relating to PERM placements, Contracts and Bookings (Temps).

Contents  (Click item to jump to the section)

System Setup

How to Run the Report





Exporting to Excel

System Setup

From v1.00.21.099 the item can be displayed in the [ADMIN] section of the system and is controlled with parameters;

PRO-ADMN, Priorities(10) - Priority level for access to this option
PRO-ADMN, Glossary(4) - Name for the option (Default is 'Margin Report')

Access to the option can be controlled with a priority level as above, or a specific User list, by utilising the User Access Control (UAC) feature. 

It is also possible to control how the reports consider 'Consultant' using parameters in the FINREP parameter set.

FINREP, Flag(1)
Cons for PERMS from Client/Site/CanD/Vac/Match
FINREP, Flag(2)
Cons for CONTRACTS from Client/Site/CanD/Vac/Match
FINREP, Flag(3)
Cons for TEMP VACs from Client/Site/CanD/Vac/Match
FINREP, Flag(4)
Cons for BOOK Req's from Client/Site/CanD/Vac/Match
FINREP, Flag(5)
Cons for Bookings from Client/Site/CanD/Vac/Match
FINREP, Flag(6-9)
 Cons for XXX use Splits if Specified (Perms, Contracts Book Req's, Vacancy Bkgs)
FINREP, Flag(10/11)
Use Start Date or Placement Date (Contracts / Perms)


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How To Run the Report

Choose Maintenance > Reporting Tools > Margin Report or

ADMIN > Margin Report  (after v1.00.21.099)

Once the report opens select a date range, then press [OK] at the bottom right to generate the report.  Having generated the report several tabs will be displayed.


This tab will show the total margin for the selected period, split between Perm, Contract & Bookings

Using the [+] it is possible to expand the TEAM selections at the left hand side to see more details about individual members of each team.

NOTE: The Contract revenue displayed on the [Totals] tab is based upon the Forecast values for Contracts rather than Actuals.  This is because the From/To dates which are chosen may extend beyond the current period and there may be no Actual data (timesheets) received yet.


This tab will display details of the Margin made from PERM placements during the selected period. Once again it is possible to drill-in and find more information about sections of the report using the [+] buttons.

Remember: The revenue from PERM placements can be considered at either Placement Date <or> Start Date dependant upon the setting of parameter FINREP, Flag(11)


This tab displays information relating to any contract placements made during the selected period. It is possible to drill-in to the information by using the [+] displayed within the information grid.

NOTE: In early versions of the software, prior to the [Contracts] tab considered ANY match record where a Placement record had been created. 
From release1.00.22.165 or later the system will only consider matches at the stage PLA (Placed) or better


This tab will display margin information relating to any bookings for Temporary Workers which have been recorded on the system. As with the other tabs, it is possible to drill-down into more detail about the financial information using the [+] button to expand the relevant sections of the report.

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Exporting to Excel

At the bottom left of each tab is an [Excel] button.  This will allow users to export the content of the selected tab into MS Excel for further analysis.

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  1. Graeme Orchard

  2. Posted
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