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Home Screen Overview

Influence version brings you many new changes to the Home Screen to streamline the recruitment process:

When writing an email you can hit the Draft button which will save your email and allow you to finish it at your convenience

Active Searches
Allows you to keep up to date with candidates searches, you can view the online guide in how to set a search to active by clicking Here


The visualisation of consultant targets within Influence gives a great way for users to track all activity on the system.

For the guide in configuring the dials to use different data click Here

Useful Links
The useful links tab allows you to set 20 different web sites, they can be set using Parameter set HOME:

Knowledgebase & What's New Tab
The Knowledgebase tab shows you the knowledgebase from this support site. It allows you to browse the guides without having
to open up a web browser.

The What's New tab is similar and show you the News tab from this support site, it saves you having to browse to the website
if you want to quickly see if any new features have been added.

My Activity
The My Activity tab shows you a list of match records you have recently edited:

It is a great way to be able to see the progress of the most recent jobs you have been looking at.

Keywords: Home, Home screen, Home Page, Homepage, Homescreen

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  1. Jeremy Heaney (Migrated deleted Agent)

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
